
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Back in the studio after a road trip to Winter Park FL, to see Armor of God at The Haven and a live recording at New Covenant Church of God, Dan and Glenn candidly discuss what they learned about God and themselves from both trips. In addition, Dan, Glenn, & "Wildman" Sam do a post-show interview with Orlando and Karla Danielle from Armor of God on location in Florida,

Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Reaching into the country of Poland, Dan and Glenn interview Alina Lewandowska and find out about her two music projects: At Home and IND. Both projects glorify Jesus and proclaim truth found in Scripture through a heavy style of music. After the interview, Dan and Glenn also discuss how international music projects like At Home and IND are being used by the Lord to gather His remnant in a New Reformation.

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Grab a cup of coffee and listen in as it is anything goes and gloves off while Dan and Glenn casually but poignantly discuss a variety of topics all the way from music being the "language of the spirit" to idolatry, killer whales, "micro-jollies,"and man's innate desire for eternity.

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Are heavy metal and rock lyrics really "Satanic Cyanide?" After receiving a listener comment that "lyrics mean everything," Dan and Glenn explore the often controversial lyrics of heavy metal and rock music. Find out what "itching ears." "the heart," and "grace" have to do with metal/rock lyrics. Also find out the Get Real! take on the lyrics in songs from the band, Enemy Inside.

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
A musical exploration of the metalcore and Christian metalcore subgenre of Heavy Metal through an interview with Brotherhood Band from Maryland, USA. Brotherhood has released two EP's: "Brotherhood" and "Heroes." and opened for Oceans of Slumber and Insomnium. Both EPs are available at https://brotherhoodband.bandcamp.com/

Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
In this first part of pivotal edition, special guest Sarabeth discusses with Dan and Glenn their experiences in a controlling religious cult, how they realized the group was a cult, and their experiences in healing from leaving the organization.

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Part 2 of an in-depth discussion of the reality of spiritual abuse. Dan, Glenn and special guest Sarabeth offer their insights having experienced spiritual abuse firsthand in a religious cult that on the surface appeared to be a special fellowship chosen to do a “great work for God.” In this account of their experiences, they offer hope to those currently involved in similar situations and offer a lifeline for anyone who would like to talk to them about leaving a controlling religious group or healing from spiritual abuse.

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Dan and Glenn recap the past two editions concerning spiritual abuse and discuss the issues of deflection, the abusive lie about “spiritual covering,” touch upon how the spirit of Jezebel works, and how the powers of darkness play upon human weaknesses. Dan and Glenn share their insights concerning the new Devin Townsend release “Genesis" from his new album "Empath." As discussed in previous editions those who have the personality of an Empath are most vulnerable to spiritual abuse.

Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
God’s Spirit is moving in reformation in restoration in Italy. Dan and Glenn interview Giacomo Manfredi from the progressive, psychedelic, Christian metal band S91 and discuss their forthcoming album Along the Sacred Path. This album clearly demonstrates that God is sovereign and that He will use whom he desires despite people’s personal opinions to advance the Gospel so that liberty can be proclaimed to the captives. You will also get to listen to the first track released from this album, “Constantine the Great.”

Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
50 years ago, the Woodstock music festival changed the world. Special guest, Kevin Reardon, attended this event and shares his memories of the music, the people and the atmosphere. More than just a “rockumentary” Kevin's recollections and Dan and Glenn's insights provide clarity on how God can speak to us through the psychedelic and how this event was of great spiritual significance. Opening this edition is Allison House performing a cover of Joni Mitchell's “Woodstock”

Raven's Heart
This is the home of the Raven's Heart Podcast.