
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Authenticity and sincerity are hard to find in today's world. However, Dan and Glenn had the privilege of encountering authenticity and sincerity through CJ, Maggie, and Lulu from the band Gold Frankincense and Myrrh (GFM Band). Not only can these girls play intense metal; they demonstrate a genuine love for Christ and others that is an example to all. This edition is a MUST listen for anyone who desires to be challenged and encouraged by the young "new breed" of believers who Christ is raising up to be a beacon of light to the lost and hurting. You will also get to listen to their intense track, "On the Inside."

Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
This edition is much more than an interview with a band that exalts Christ in all they do. Dan and Glenn’s conversation with Harry and Mel Becker from Filthy Rags evolves into a dynamic discussion on the power of the Blood of Christ in redeeming mankind from sin. Not only are Harry and Mel talented musicians; they have a degree of faith and humility that is inspiring. Find out how each year they travel with the Extreme Tour to demonstrate and share the love of Christ. You will also get to hear their track “Reconcile.” Part II to be released next week is even more of an inspiration.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Part 2 of a mind-blowing interview with Harry and Mel Becker from Filthy Rags with a testimony of salvation during the Extreme Tour and prophetic words of encouragement.. You will also be encouraged in how to hear and obey the voice of the Lord and check out the track “Decrease.” This edition is proof that God is real, alive, and all powerful.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
"Punk is the most loving punch in the face you will ever have!" God is using punk music to get people's attention. Find out how God is using Peter 118 from Great Britain to minister the Gospel through punk music and check out their latest track "Waiting." Dan, Glenn, and Peter also discuss the condition of the church in Britain and the United States.

Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Taking an uninhibited dive into the deep-end of the pool, hosts Dan and Glenn explore the topic of "Logos" which means logic or reason. There is a "Divine Logic" which actually makes sense and contradicts many "silly" teachings of modern, Western, Christianity. Ethics and emotion have often been elevated above "Logos" and have weakened the modern church. Also discussed is the legislation of "Logos" by governments. Is this really God's plan?

Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
The world is messy, life is messy, and even miracles are messy. Not much of what we experience in this existence equates to a nice tidy package that is fully comprehensible. Unfortunately, true faith in Christ has nothing to do with cute smiley angels or anything that makes sense to our human eye. However, if we earnestly seek truth or "logos" God will reveal it to us.

Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Is there a connection between the new Eluveitie album, "Ategnatos," the prophetic imagery of the raven and the dove, and Logos? Find out how the raven and the dove fit into the fulfillment of prophecy and how beautifully the Celtic folk metal band Eluveitie captures this concept in their most recent album release which can be considered a pursuit of Logos. Music, "Lords of Iron," by Antti Martikainen.

Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Pursuit of truth, even through mythologies, will lead to Logos (logic, reason, Christ, eternal life) so that man is without excuse. Hear how the Apostle Paul used reason when he spoke on Mars Hill and how the new album "Agenatos" by Celtic folk-metal band Eluveitie can be considered a lyrical journey towards Logos. Music, "Northern Steel," by Antti Martikainen.

Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
It is not unusual for God to take someone out of a place of darkness and then send them back to that same place to be a light in that darkness. This is exactly what happened to The Living Dead Girl who went from Goth to Glory. Having left a world of witchcraft and communion with the powers of darkness, Danielle is now in the process of writing a gothic romance novel entitled "The Living Dead Girl" which glorifies Christ as the perfect Bridegroom. Listen to her testimony of deliverance and how God is using her gift of writing. You will get to hear an excerpt of her writing narrated by Kate VanMiddlesworth set to the music of Trey Van Zandt

Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Just before making his way to the Get Real! Studio (a.k.a. The Fishbowl)Dan had an interesting encounter at his house which raises the questions: Is it really "good news" to hear that you can work your way to Heaven? Does wearing a tie and riding a bicycle earn you extra favor in the eyes of God? Is there an exclusive sect of Christianity that has the purest truth? Hmmmm. you will have to listen to find out the answers to these questions and find out the details of the encounter! Opening jam is "So We Can Rise" by Christian Metalcore Band, Brotherhood (MD) from their EP "Heroes."

Raven's Heart
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